Saturday, September 18, 2010


erm i really lurve korean..
such as suju,shinee,snsd,2pm and lots more..
sye pon x taw r mcm mne sye ley ske kat dowg2 ny..
maybe sbb kwn2 sklling sye mmg rmai minat korea,i guess..
insyaalla sye akn updated hero n heroin kgmaran sye and yg pling trknal..
likes suju-dong hae..hee-chul and soo onn..haha..
but i really loves dong hae(suju)..
he really soo cute ...n i think many of u really likes him,right?..

ma life today..

 i think today was a wonderful day..i guess so..haha..
i've  never update my blog but today is my first time update my blog..haha..
its sounds funny,right..haha..
today also is the worst day..haha
i had to go back to my hostel..haah..
its feel very worse,i think..haha..
erm school is best but home is the bestest..huhu
because we can relax our mind..haha i think so...
so for my followers i'm sorry if my blog is sooo boring..i really guess soo..
but, i will try my best to make my blog more wonderful and not boring..
so, u guys must help me out,k..haha.
k,this is for little update..(at least i try,right?)..
[my hope is i want many followers in my blog..]